
Extra Points and Announcements

- Want some extra points for your team this week? Here is this week's phrase to whisper to Mrs. PJ:"Wanna fight?" So, just say that, and You will get extra points for your team. (And, just for the record, I don't want to fight, HaHa!)

- Food Fort : Only 3 more Sundays to fill our Food Fort! All donations will be given to the Harvest House!

- Dirty Water Challenge : All offering collected in Graceland Studios during the month of January will go toward the "Dirty Water Challenge". So, drink water and the money you would be spending on other drinks, set it aside, and bring it on Sunday's to help raise a money for a well to be built in Africa to give clean water to those in need.

- Silly String Showdown : Our boys vs. girls competition is very close! It's hard to tell who will be silly string-ed on January 31st. So, don't forget to bring your bible, offering, and the secret phrase!

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